Winter tire

How Temperature Affects Tires

Experiencing the different seasons is nice but with each season comes different temperatures and both hot and cold weather conditions will impact your tires.

The changes in temperature will affect the pressure of your tires and higher temperatures will increase it significantly. Always check to see what the manufacturer recommends because your tires should be kept inflated based on those specifics as each vehicle is different and the information provided will differ accordingly. Natural and synthetic rubber compounds are used to make tires and both materials contain oils that help with elasticity. Friction from the road and the scorching heat will wear out your tires, which will reduce the amount of oil and elasticity found in your tires. This will result in splits, cracks or cause your tires to become brittle, all of which can be very dangerous and lead to a potential accident.

Lower temperatures, on the other hand, will decrease the pressure in your tires, so when the weather starts to get colder, your tires can become under-inflated, which is just as much of a problem that can also lead to dangerous situations. Winter weather leads to dangerous road conditions and having under-inflated tires makes the situation even worse. Both of those elements combined make it very unsafe for a vehicle to be on the road because it may not be able to handle the snow or cold fronts.

Under-inflated tires will also increase your fuel usage and cause your tires to be affected by wear and tear more quickly and easily, which can lead to a blowout. The good news is that many vehicles come equipped with a tire pressure monitoring system that will notify the driver when their tire pressure needs to be checked.

It is normally recommended that tires be replaced every certain amount of years and the manufacturer of each specific model and vehicle will have the right answer, so that you can follow it accordingly. Tire pressure should be checked regularly and even if you think your tires are in good condition, it may not be the case, so take the time to inspect them so that you don’t find yourself in an unfortunate situation that can easily be avoided.

416 Wheels and Tires can take care of all of your tire needs for you. Located in Mississauga, they can help with rims and repairs, so call to book an appointment today and they will make sure your vehicle and tires are in good condition and safe for the road no matter the season.